Dental Whitening Tips For A Bright And Beautiful Smile!


Each of us wants to a mega-watt bright smile, but then again, teeth whitening is not for everyone. Prior to book an expensive dental procedure in order to whiten teeth, think about these simple strategies of teeth whitening. In several cases, a couple of healthy habits and routine are all ones require to keep their sparkling white teeth! Here are some effective, simple teeth whitening strategies:

Avoid Teeth-Staining Foods and Drinks

What goes into the mouth shows up on the teeth. So, in the event of drinking much black tea, red wine, or smoking cigarettes, expect the outcome appears on the sparkly white teeth. Other culprits involve gravies, dark juices, and colas. In short, if it’s dark prior to putting in the mouth, it will undoubtedly stain the teeth.

Tips for a Bright and Beautiful Smile
  • To keep your teeth whiter, you need to brush your teeth immediately after the intake of foods that stain.
  • Restrict your consumption of foods and beverages that stains your teeth.
  • Use a good quality dentist recommended bleaching agent in order to protect your whiter teeth.


    Hum While Brushing the Teeth

    You must give yourself at least three to five minutes to brush your teeth properly. That is how long it takes to remove all the bacteria that packed on your pearly white teeth. Set a timer for three to five minutes or use your watch in the bathroom.

    Hold the Toothbrush Like a Pencil

    Does the toothbrush look as if it has been used to clean the car? If yes, then you are probably brushing aggressively or too hard. Few scrub-happy people consider, brushing teeth with force isn’t the best way in order to get rid of plaque. A great way is to place the toothbrush at the angle of 45-degree against the gums then gently move it on the teeth in a circular motion, instead of back and forth motion. Hold your toothbrush like a pencil so you will not scrub too hard.

    Every Day Drink a Cup of Tea

    Tea has flavonoids and various other ingredients that seem to hinder the harmful bacteria from sticking to your teeth. It can also block the production of a form of sugar that develop cavities in the mouth. As tea contains a high amount of fluoride.

    Use Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

    Majority of the over-the-counter mouthwashes have an excessive amount of alcohol, that can dry out your mouth’s tissues, and making them more vulnerable to bacteria. Some pieces of research even suggest the link among mouthwashes containing alcohol increased the risk of oral cancer. It would be best if you use homemade natural mouthwashes. Following the above tips can help you to whiten your teeth without investing hundreds of dollars on dental procedures. However, visit your dentist at least twice a year can help you to maintain excellent oral hygiene. The bright your smile is, the beautiful you look!

What Is A Periodontist And Signs You Should See One?

Dentist tools and mouth open with beautiful teeth

one of the many branches of dentistry is periodontics. Here are some signs that clearly indicate that you need to visit a periodontist immediately. Dentistry is a wide field that encompasses several different branches such as orthodontics, endodontics, prosthodontics, pediatrics, oral and maxillofacial, oral pathology, and periodontics. Four years of dental school qualifies an individual to practice general dentistry. For specialization, a general dentist has to undergo additional years of education and training.

Like all other dental specializations, a periodontist must undergo special training and education in the field. These individuals have the expertise and experience in treating gum-related problems and diseases. They not only have the expertise to diagnose periodontal diseases, but they have the knowledge and experience to treat these diseases

Periodontists provide treatment to patients that are in need of high-quality care due to severe gum diseases or complicated medical history. A general dentist may advise a patient to visit a periodontist when they need treatments such as scaling, root planing, or root surface debridement. Here are some signs that indicate that you need to see a periodontist right away! If you experience any of the following signs, you need to visit a periodontist immediately!

Swollen and Bleeding Gums

The most obvious signs that your gums are in bad shape is that they begin to swell, bleed, and appear red. When your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss, it is an indication that your gums need treatment. By visiting a periodontist, you can address a severe gum problem way before it gets serious.

Swollen and Bleeding Gums

Pain and Discomfort while Chewing

Pain and discomfort in your teeth are traceable. You can point to the exact the tooth that is causing the pain. However, if you experience pain while chewing within, around, or underneath your gums, you need to visit a periodontist.

Chronic Bad Breath

Changes in Bites

Experience any changes in your bites? If your teeth begin to feel different while chewing, brushing, or talking, it is a sign that you are falling victim to a periodontal problem. Leaving this unaddressed for long can turn the minor issues into serious and long-term periodontal problems.

Chronic Bad Breath

Persistent bad breath even after extensive oral care indicates that

there is a problem in your gums. It is one of the first signs of gum disease. If you are experiencing a similar situation, make sure you schedule an appointment with a periodontist.

Teeth Begin to Feel Loose

Loose teeth might not be such a big issue for a baby and a young kid, but for an adult, it is a serious concern. If any of your teeth begin to feel loose, visit a periodontist without giving the idea any second thoughts. The sooner you realize you need a periodontist, the better it is for your gums. They can help in a timely diagnosis of gum diseases and addressing the problems before they become serious!

Orthodontic Treatment During Pregnancy

Pregnancy involves a series of changes for women that can affect the oral cavity, increasing the chances of suffering from cavities and periodontal diseases. That is why dentists recommend a complete review of the mouth at the time when pregnancy is known, in order to assess possible treatments. Likewise, if the woman is undergoing orthodontic treatment at the time she becomes pregnant, it is important that she notify the specialist as soon as possible, in order to maximize oral care.

I am undergoing orthodontic treatment and I have become pregnant, what do I do?

Every day it is more common for young adult women to have an orthodontic treatment to improve their smile and the health of their mouth. In some cases, the treatment already started may coincide with the moment in which the woman becomes pregnant, and it is likely that then doubts arise about how to proceed in this regard.

Orthodontic Treatment During Pregnancy

During pregnancy hormonal changes cause greater gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) that can be aggravated by irritating factors. The element that usually creates the most gingivitis is dental plaque and orthodontic appliances increase the chances of retaining plaque if proper oral cleaning is not performed. If you are using braces, your orthodontist will inform you about the best way to proceed to daily tooth brushing.

I am pregnant and I want to have an orthodontic treatment: better wait.

But it may happen that the woman is thinking about getting an orthodontic treatment and before starting it she becomes pregnant. In that case, SEDO recommends waiting to give birth to begin with such treatment, since some of the tests that need to be performed to carry it out are not advisable during pregnancy.

First Trimester

During the first trimester of pregnancy, experts advise not to have any dental treatment unless it is very necessary and cannot wait to be performed during the second trimester, which is the most favorable for this. These urgent cases would be, for example, extractions that cannot be expected, large oral infections or caries likely to cause periapical infection.

Second Trimester

The second trimester, on the other hand, is the most suitable to undergo any dental treatment although you always have to inform the dentist of the pregnancy so that you take the appropriate precautions.

Third Trimester

The third quarter, like the first, is again the least recommended for any dental treatment. To the risks of the use of anesthesia, the volume of the gut is added, which can make it difficult or uncomfortable for the mother to remain in the same position for a long time, and even the stress that many people are supposed to go to the dentist. Therefore, in this quarter only urgent treatments that cannot wait to be practiced after giving birth will be done, and in no case will nitrous oxide (popularly known as “laughing gas”) be used as a sedative.

Why Is It Necessary To Take Care Of Baby Teeth

They are not permanent teeth, but we must take care of them as such. Baby teeth are an important part of a child’s physical development and, therefore, parents should be aware of the need to keep them in good condition until the appearance of definitive dentures. Your child pediatric dentist will advise you and your children how to care for the baby teeth.


If we know the function of baby teeth, we will understand why they are so important for a child and, therefore, the need for proper maintenance.  Baby teeth are an indispensable element of speech development. They help the little ones discover how to vocalize and articulate the sounds properly, which guarantees their correct language learning.

They are also essential for children to chew food properly. In addition to creating an indispensable habit for their long-term health, it also ensures that you get the maximum nutrition from their everyday meals. They are the best prevention for possible future oral problems. Children’s teeth, if they have cavities, implies a greater possibility of having this pathology when they grow up, as well as the loss of teeth that can cause space problems in the eruption of the final teeth. They help in the creation of healthy habits, which will be essential for the establishment of a daily routine of proper hygiene for life.


The care of baby teeth begins even before the eruption of the first tooth. If you pass a gauze moistened by their gums after each intake you will be favoring the proper development of baby teeth when the time comes. From the moment the child has his first teeth, it is time to consult with the pediatric dentist to guide you about the steps to follow when brushing the teeth with toothpaste. At first you will have to teach them how to brush and then supervise them as they grow older.

The care of the diet is another indispensable point to keep in check. An excess of sugar affects the teeth and the gums and should be minimized from a very young age. Opting for fruits and vegetables will help your children’s physical, mental as well as their dental health. Finally, it is essential that you establish a review schedule with the pediatric dentist. As a specialist, the dentist will help you maintain their teeth properly, as well as review their dental development to ensure that they are following the proper guidelines.

How Endodontics Is Performed

How Endodontics Is Performed

Damaged teeth due to caries that have not been treated can cause many problems. If the damage reaches the pulp of the tooth or even the nerve root, it can cause a lot of pain and even an infection that would cause them to lose the tooth if it is not treated as soon as possible. The best treatment a dentist can perform to prevent them from losing the tooth is endodontics. Endodontics is a treatment that consists of the partial or total extraction of the pulposus nucleus of the tooth, which is the internal part where the pulp ducts are located. It’s a tissue in the form of a strand that is made up of a dozen blood vessels and nerves. Until a few decades ago, endodontics was a rare treatment, so you only chose to remove teeth that had damaged pulp. Today, thanks to advances in both technology and dental treatment techniques, in addition to the development of new materials that act as a substitute for pulp, endodontics has helped save those damaged teeth.

How Endodontics Is Performed_1

The application of this treatment is necessary when the pulp is affected, which in addition to acute pain, causes inflammation. The first symptom that the pulp is inflamed is always the pain in the tooth or in the area of the gum where the damaged tooth is located. The pain can be stabbing of great intensity or of less intensity, but constant. Similarly, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, or changes between them, discoloration of the tooth, inflammation and sensitivity in the adjacent gums may occur. If any or several of these symptoms are detected, or there is a visible exposure of the pulp in the tooth, they should see a specialist immediately. If pulp damage is not detected in a timely manner, a deposit of pus may form at the root of the tooth, which causes an abscess due to infection. An aggravated infection of the gum can spread to the jaw and destroy the surrounding bone of the tooth. This, in addition to the loss of the dental piece, have major consequences such as facial cellulitis or osteomyelitis. Also, if the infection was transmitted by blood it can cause sepsis.

How is endodontics performed?

Once the dentist has checked your teeth and detected a fissure that exposes the pulp of the tooth, the treatment that can take a couple of appointments will begin so that they can recover the total use of the dental piece and stop the damage from infection and inflammation. However, in some cases the treatment can be extended by more appointments, depending on the degree of damage. The first thing that is done is a dental x-ray that covers the damaged part and the surrounding parts, to observe how far the infection reaches and how much is the damage to the nerve. In case the radiography fails, it is submitted to the tooth to tests of temperature, percussion and sensitivity, to determine if there is damage to the nerves or if another treatment can be chosen.

How Endodontics Is Performed_2

In case the endodontics is the only option, the outpatient procedure will be initiated where local anesthesia is applied, regardless of whether there is vital damage to the nerve or not. Once the anesthesia takes effect, the tooth is isolated by placing a staple and rubber on the tooth in order to keep it free of saliva, to subsequently remove all the nervous tissue that is damaged by caries or infection. It can be partially or totally removed. The tooth remains are cleaned and filed to completely disinfect the ducts and prevent the infection from reoccurring. Finally, the filling is carried out, which is the process of filling the ducts with an inert material and that is not rejected by the body. The material can be solid or plastics, which are the most common, such as antiseptic pastes, zinc cements or plastic resin base.