Teeth Cleaning

Teeth Cleaning

Professional teeth cleaning, also known as a prophylaxis, is crucial in preventing oral health problems and getting rid of hardened plaque and tartar that accumulates on the surfaces of the teeth. Those who forgo regular dental cleanings may find that they begin to deal with gingivitis and eventual periodontal disease. It is important to do regular dental cleanings to prevent gum disease and gingivitis.

Woman visiting her dentist

What does Teeth Cleaning involve?

A professional prophylaxis involves having a licensed hygienist remove hardened plaque, known as calculus, and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. With the use of a small mirror and a scaler the dentist will remove stains and tartar that cause your teeth to look darkened and discolored. When you have periodontal disease, the supporting tissue and bone is destroyed forming pockets around your teeth. Over time, these pockets become deeper, providing a larger space for bacteria to live. By getting regular dental checkups, the dentist can measure the pockets around your teeth for signs of gingivitis and gum disease and can provide care if signs of either of these is found.

Why you need Professional Cleanings

Brushing and flossing your teeth often aren’t enough to keep your teeth totally clean throughout the year. Even if you brush twice a day, plaque can still accumulate and harden in certain areas. Once this plaque hardens into what is known as calculus, it is nearly impossible to remove on your own without damaging the teeth underneath. If you have gingivitis or periodontal disease, special treatment is required to get your gums in a healthier state. Gum disease cannot be reversed, but regular cleanings can help to prevent the disease from progressing.

It is recommended that you go for regular dental cleanings twice a year to keep up with your overall oral health. However, if you have gum disease or gingivitis, your hygienist may recommend coming into the office every three to four months to continue with your treatment. Dental cleanings are quickly done and easy on just about any schedule. By having routine cleanings done, you are preventing further problems from surfacing and can either prevent things like gingivitis and gum disease or keep them from getting worse if you already have gum issues. It is never too late to come into the dental office for a cleaning. Even if you haven’t had a cleaning done in years, the experts can work with you to create a treatment plan specific to your oral health needs.

To inquire further about this service please give our office a call and our staff members would be happy to assist you.