Porcelain Veneers

Changing the way that your teeth look, and feel has always required extensive dental work to be done. However, thanks to porcelain veneers, you can achieve a gorgeous smile that requires little to no anesthesia. Millions have benefited from porcelain veneers, and their long-wearing nature make them ideal for people of all ages. With the proper dental hygiene and care porcelain veneers can last upwards of 10 years, making them a relatively permanent dental option for those who are unhappy with their current smile.

What are Porcelain Veneers?

Veneers are thin shells of white porcelain that are cemented onto the fronts of the teeth, covering the existing teeth behind. This is an ideal option for those who are unhappy with their smile but who do not want to have extensive dental work completed in the office. In fact, little to no anesthesia is required to file down the existing teeth and apply the veneers using a permanent cement. The veneers are also created personally for each patient, ensuring a secure and beautiful fit.

What Are Porcelain Veneers.

Dr. Naomi Sever discusses what porcelain veneers are can how they can be used to improve your smile.

Why are they recommended?

Veneers are great for patients who do not like their smile. If you have severe staining, chips, cracks or gaps in between your front teeth, porcelain veneers can essentially cover up these problems. However, because veneers are professionally designed and created in a lab as well as being permanently cemented onto the anterior teeth, they are unlike removable prosthetics that you may be able to purchase yourself. Also, they cost much less than having to go for more extensive work to fix and repair your existing smile.

The procedure to have porcelain veneers done is easy, quick and convenient. You will have an impression made of your front teeth which will then be sent off to a dental lab. From there, your new porcelain veneers will be created and sent back to us at Boulder Total Dentistry. After they arrive, you’ll have your front teeth prepared for adhesion and you will walk out of the office feeling confident in your brand-new smile. In fact, veneers are the quickest, easiest and most affordable way to completely transform your smile without the time, dedication or financial burden. You can speak to the dentist about having porcelain veneers placed and how they will affect the way that you look once they have put into your mouth. With careful care and maintenance, you can expect the veneers to last upwards of a decade before needing to be replaced with new veneers.

To inquire further about this service please give our office a call and our staff members would be happy to assist you.