Tooth Extractions
Dr. Sever may consult with you, and the two of you may decide that you need to have a tooth pulled. Teeth extraction procedures are done for several reasons, such as:
- The tooth is very decayed.
- The area around the tooth may have serious periodontal disease.
- The tooth may have been broken or chipped and cannot be repaired.
- Teeth may be improperly positioned in the mouth. An example is an impacted or wisdom tooth.
- To remove overcrowding for an upcoming orthodontic treatment.
Why Do I Need A Tooth Extracted?
Dr. Naomi Sever answers why you may need your tooth extracted, and what happens after the extraction.
What happens during a Tooth Extraction?
Your dentist will first numb your tooth, jaw, and the area around the tooth to be extracted. She’ll use a local injectable anesthetic in most cases. You might feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed from its socket because the dentist needs to firmly rock the tooth to loosen it and remove it from the socket There should not be any pain you feel during this procedure, however if you feel discomfort, please let us know right away.
After a Tooth Extraction
Some teeth require sectioning. This is a very common procedure done when a tooth is so firmly anchored in its socket or the root is curved and the socket can’t expand enough to remove it. The doctor simply cuts the tooth into sections then removes each section one at a time.
After Tooth Extraction
To assist a blood clot in forming at the extraction site, bite down on a gauze pad for about 30-45 minutes after the extraction. If you still have bleeding after 45 minutes, remove the used gauze pad and place a fresh one over the site for about 30 minutes. Repeat this process until blood flow ceases. Once a blood clot forms, you should be sure not to disturb the clot. To avoid disturbing or accidentally removing the blood clot, you need to avoid:
- Vigorously rinsing your mouth out.
- Sucking through straws.
- Drinking alcohol.
- Smoking.
- Brushing the area right next to the extraction.
- Vigorous activity such as hard chewing in the area.
It is important to make sure you follow after treatment care instructions that the dentist has provided, otherwise you could find yourself in extra pain and discomfort.
To inquire further about this service please give our office a call and our staff members would be happy to assist you.